Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shashthi Blues!

It pricks. Even the waterdrops do.

The ultimate grandeur rips through
our windowless room, in a hurry,
And, the blue air unfolds itself
in true spirit of nothingness.

Here they lie and here they die almost casually,
Since the days have passed into sunlit ones
With the interference of seemingly pitless nights.
Yes, all is lost, even the immortal hate,
Lost in the daze of city-lights, only too bright!

Love, let us part now. Unceremoniously, as usual.
We do not hold the secrets together anymore,
Nor do we have the strength to kill each other
Like we wanted in the wee hours of adolescent dawn.
To live in the shadows, saying nothing, is awful.
Love, let us part now. And let us reborn yet again.

It pricks. Even the rosebuds do.

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