Sunday, May 15, 2011

To Angelina

This happens to be my last post. Pandora's box will be locked hereafter.

I'll miss Ginnybabu, Amritarupa, Rai, Rajarshi, Titir, Raka and Avishek. I'll miss them for what they are to this space. And, more. I'll miss the fables and the ribbons I used to weave here. Terribly so.

I thank everybody for indulging me this bad.

So long.

Remember, we'll always have Paris. :-)


Peripat(h)etic said...

What is this? You cannot do this. No matter what

Puff said...

Dont be sissy.

Peripat(h)etic said...

Yes Rai...please tell him

DA said...

Dear Minko, There is poetry in every single one of your posts, I think its natural to you. There is heart shattering sadness in them, yet they are very beautiful. I wonder why you stopped. Why is a poet always sad? Why does he feel chained and restrained in today's world?
I really wish you hadn't stopped.

vanderloost said...

I think one should hold on to what he is good at otherwise its too mediocre to give in to the world's diktats or may I say life's...

GoldFish said...

Sylvia Plath said that the worst enemy to creativity is self doubt. I think she was right. It really hurts. Sadly, it plagues even the best.

GoldFish said...

Was it that, or did you learn to lie and lost interest thereafter? Or maybe both?

Thank you for the warm welcome. :-) Also, how do you escape boxes? All love, attachment offer just that. One must learn to dig holes in them perhaps.

sanjayadhikari said...

I read some of your stuff, dude, and it's good. I wonder, what makes you stop now? I think you should keep writing. Once you have a substantial collection publish it. Publishing is much easier these days, especially electronic publishing. Checkout Vijay Sheshadri, he is a Pulitzer prize winner. He talks about the art of poetry. It's very interesting and talks about the process of writing. You'd find some inspiration there. Take care!

sanjayadhikari said...

I read some of your stuff, dude, and it's good. I wonder, what makes you stop now? I think you should keep writing. Once you have a substantial collection publish it. Publishing is much easier these days, especially electronic publishing. Checkout Vijay Sheshadri, he is a Pulitzer prize winner. He talks about the art of poetry. It's very interesting and talks about the process of writing. You'd find some inspiration there. Take care!

GoldFish said...
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GoldFish said...

See. My friend agrees!
Look what I found:

What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you.

Arundhati Roy. I love how she writes but hate that she resorts to using sex as a plot device.
These lyrics are from a song by Chris Isaak. By the way, I've had exams and I'll get back after the 23rd.

GoldFish said...

Also, your writing is more sincere.

GoldFish said...

Hey :)