Saturday, October 20, 2007

Candle in the wind

I loathe the megalomania of Kolkata during the autumn festival. Disarrayed psychosis gradually evolves into a shapeless mass, apparent, yet inconceivable, in a strange medley of humanity. However, the series of life and its majestic tragedy remain unaffected, perhaps a bit pumped up, by this throng-mania; but mainly unaffected.

Some tragedies stay do not seek recognition, and some create a lasting ripple to steal their place in history. The death of a certain Rizwanur Rahman belongs to the latter category, and quite contrary to our wonderful indifference, it has touched some raw nerves. 

This death actually has raised some questions about the basic value of freedom, of whether it could be determined in a multi-biased social reality.

Rizwanur and Priyanka had not obeyed the stigma of social ethics, in an otherwise free economy, and, interestingly enough, the final equilibrium has been achieved in a most unethical way.

Like a single violin fades out to the harmony of a hundred bugles, the importance and freedom of human expression ultimately ebbs away, once we get into the cliché of perfunctory reality. The value of an individual, in units of intellectual and physical productivity, only diminishes as the beauty of incoherence gets lost to the mechanised make-belief world of concrete present tense.

Somehow, this city has its share of ecstasies and agonies. Despite our king-sized ignorance, a group of fellow citizens have decided to show their defiance to the system that has killed not only a person, but a plethora of promised dreams, by lighting up candles in front of our college. Hats off to them, I wish I had the courage.

The spirit of love and innocence is going to haunt the conscience of our neon-lit city. May the candles absorb the collective darkness of shattered dreams.

Let’s hope.

It’s better than doing nothing.

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